Tailored for your Attendees – Half Day and Full Day Events Available
Programs are Specifically Tailored to Meet the Needs of Impact Entrepreneurs Seeking to Develop and Deliver Powerful Messages and Offers that Create Real Change.
- Story Makeover Training Program
- Impact Storyteller LIVE
- Impact Offer Intensive
- Deliver
Tailored for your Attendees – Half Day and Full Day Events Available
Programs are Specifically Tailored to Meet the Needs of Impact Entrepreneurs Seeking to Develop and Deliver Powerful Messages and Offers that Create Real Change.
- Story Makeover Training Program
- Impact Storyteller LIVE
- Impact Offer Intensive
- Deliver

Impact entrepreneurs want to make a difference and improve the lives of others. They set out to change the world with their message and their product and have great passion for their vision and mission.
What they struggle with is connecting to and engaging with the very people who want and need what they have to offer – the very people who could contribute to their big vision. Impact entrepreneurs often feel like their voice is not heard and that silly, random messages get more attention than their own important, well thought out messages.
Story Makeover supports impact entrepreneurs to be heard and remembered. It supports the consistent experience of followers becoming customers and clients.
Story Makeover is a culmination of Karen McGregor’s 2 decades of experience as a speaker and 15 years as a trainer in the field of effective messaging and sales. In this 6-week live online program you will:
- Discover Stories Everywhere, so you never have to worry about your next chapter, blog post, social post, video content or podcast content.
- Design Stories for Maximum Connection and Engagement so that your Impact is not lost in a sea of voices.
- Deliver Stories with Impeccable Voice, Expression, Timing and Performance so your audience and followers are completely engaged and ready to take action.
- Design a Story Strategy that aligns with your Brand, Vision and Mission.
To Learn More about the Story Makeover Training Program, click here to set up a time to speak to our support team. Alternatively, join our mailing list here to get updates and receive a special gift to kickstart your storytelling journey!

Impact Entrepreneurs have a strong calling to make the world a better place. They are visionaries and creatives with great insight into how to make the future better for others. Yet translating that vision into regular messages that move people to action can be daunting!
Often, impact entrepreneurs rely on their passion for information to sustain their message, but real impact was never created on information alone. Real impact has always used story as the foundation for change.
The Impact Storyteller LIVE 3-Day Event supports impact entrepreneurs to deliver powerful stories that make their brand memorable and lead to audience’s taking the action that will change their lives for the better.
In this 3 Day LIVE event you will:
- Experience the power of owning your story on stage and online.
- Experience your body’s ability to make your story come alive for your audience.
- Learn to consistently connect with your audience.
- Present your story with confidence and complete presence.
- Translate your new in-person power and presence to the digital stage.
To Learn More about the Impact Storyteller LIVE, click here to set up a time to speak to our support team. Alternatively, join our mailing list here to get updates and receive a special gift to kickstart your storytelling journey!

Impact Entrepreneurs have the most life-changing and life-enhancing programs, products and services. They are the ones who see things differently and can take old ideas and refurbish them to be more effective for their clients. They are also originals, who come up with new ideas and concepts that solve problems.
Whether you are creating impact through improving existing structures, products or ways of being, or whether you are an inventor of an original product, innovative program or new way of being, your business thrives on the ability to make a strong offer that people can say YES to.
Whether that offer is to follow your vision, take action to support a cause, receive a free gift, or purchase your life-changing products, programs or services, the structure and delivery must be consistently strong and align with your vision and brand.
In this program you will:
- Create and Present an Authentic YES offer.
- Receive expert feedback and the experience of presenting to your peers.
- Learn to present your offer with confidence and alignment with your brand.
- Practice sharing your offer components and getting feedback each step of the way.
This 4-Day program is offered live and in person.
To Learn More aboutImpact Offer Intensive, click here to set up a time to speak to our support team. Alternatively, join our mailing list here to get updates and receive a special gift to kickstart your delivery!

Impact Entrepreneurs who have shifted the fabric of society all have one thing in common: they get their message across in a consistently powerful, engaging way.
This skill set isn’t something we are born with. Sure, some people have a more easeful entry into speaking, but delivering a powerful message is something we decide to get good at.
Most impact entrepreneurs are so busy running their business and supporting others with their vision that they leave the delivery of messages to the bottom of their to-do list. Ignoring it, pushing it away, leaving it for last… this hurts an impact entrepreneur because they don’t get the results they are aiming for, and in the process, lose confidence in their ability to deliver.
Other impact entrepreneurs are strong speakers, so they decide to “wing it.” If you have a goal of going from good to great or from great to impeccable in your delivery, winging it will put a quick stop to your dreams. All great speakers get training, coaching and mentoring to be impeccable in the delivery of their messages. The ones who wing it fade away quickly, despite their talent.
Deliver is a powerful, advanced, results-based program for impact entrepreneurs.
In this program, you will:
- Learn to consistently inspire & motivate your audience.
- Learn to amplify your mentoring moments.
- Experience powerful authenticity while developing more presence.
- Develop the psychology of world-renowned speakers.
- Hone your intuition for maximum connection.
- Develop pre-stage prep for optimal performance.
- Develop grounded presence while maintaining riveting passion and expression.
This 4-Day program is offered live and in person.
To Learn More about Deliver, click here to set up a time to speak to our support team. Alternatively, join our mailing list here to get updates and receive a special gift to kickstart your delivery!