Do you know your power archetype?
Power – a word that can bring discomfort and memories of control, manipulation, and greed, while on the other hand, it can create the opposite: memories of someone who used their power to generate more good in the world, solve global problems and inspire peace on the planet.
Power can be a great thing, or it can be an evil thing. It all depends on how it is used.
When we consciously use our power, it can support creativity, collaboration, and movement toward a more conscious world. It can also influence others in life-enhancing ways to create new ways of being. In fact, one definition of power is “the ability to influence.”
But there’s one problem with power.
Most of us are using our power unconsciously. And it is this unconscious use of power that feeds on our fears and has us act in less than favorable ways.
This unconscious use of power leads to negative influence, where others are afraid to tell us the truth or meet us in an aggressive way that matches our fear vibes sent out into the world.
That’s why I created 4 archetypes of power. Each power archetype helps bring the unconscious to the conscious and supports people to make choices from a place that is not wounded or filled with fear.
Your Power Archetype… Discover Your Power Patterns Here!
Each person has their own power pattern which can be characterized by their power archetype.
When you are born, you desire to have your needs met. As you grow, those needs become more complex. In the early years, you discover that not everyone wants to help you get your needs met, or they may find other things more important.
Many people think this means that they are either unworthy, unwanted, unlovable, or not enough as you are.
This belief causes you to get your needs met in other ways that are based on your wounds, not in the love-power that you were born with. When you find some success with getting your needs met in certain ways, you use these ways repeatedly. They eventually form into what I call a “power pattern.”
Power patterns can be categorized into 4 basic types, and for ease of use, I’ve chosen animals to represent each of these archetypes.
So let’s dive right in! I’d love to hear back from you about which one of these archetypes resonates with where you are at right now. I invite you to share by joining my Facebook group, Influence and Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders and Entrepreneurs.
Power Archetype #1: The Boar
This power archetype holds many positive attributes:
- You are successful in meeting business goals and achieving beyond what most think is possible
- You are confident in directing others
- You have a keen insight on problem-solving and ways to increase productivity.
- You never give up, and inevitably rise to the top in the world of work.
- You are focused, follow-through, and are hard-working.
That being said, the Boar is driven by an underlying fear that the world is not a safe supportive place. This is likely caused by childhood trauma which cemented the perception that people cannot be trusted
Because of this, you believe that the only way to survive in the world is to control it.
The Boar, when under stress, will always speak and behave in ways that attempt to control the situation, the environment, and often, the people around them.
This deep urge to control is the downfall of the Boar and is responsible for virtually all the challenges a Boar will face.
This develops personality traits such as:
- Defensiveness (need to be right is a form of control)
- Impatience and irritability (need to have things go your way and on your time)
- Sudden emotional outbursts of anger or sadness (controlling feelings until they are no longer in your control)
- Being closed to feedback and constructive criticism (the need to be right equals safety for a Shadow Boar).
In the wild, Boars get aggressive when they sense a threat, and this is true for humans too.
The solution: Observe how you try to control a situation you are uncomfortable with. Don’t let your thoughts mired in fear become your reality, as they are based in a deep need to survive and be seen as worthy.
If you struggle with control, click here to see how you can overcome it.
Power Archetype #2: The Butterfly
If you are like The Butterfly, you likely possess these traits:
- You’re naturally captivating.
- People are drawn to your energy and light.
- You have a presence that draws people in.
- If you are active on social media, you have an avid and enthusiastic tribe of followers.
- You are colourful and expressive while still being real and authentic.
- You are not drawn into the chaos of life but rather have a great joy for life as you open your heart continually to experiences around you. (If you are drawn to chaos, learn how to turn calm into chaos here)
In nature, the butterfly moves quickly through life: dancing, mating, eating, and dying all within 2 days to 2 weeks.
You may not be prone to attachments of any sort, and may not commit to staying the course with any one person, project, or idea in your life.
Because of this, it can be difficult for you to make or meet deadlines, follow-through, or produce high-quality work in a timely manner.
At first glance, this non-committal and non-attachment may seem like admirable traits of the Butterfly, yet when the Butterfly never knows a level of commitment or mastery in all areas of life, they are not living life to the fullest, experiencing the depth of relationships and growing a sustainable business or career.
The Block that the Butterfly in you experiences is deeply connected to childhood wounds where something took you off guard, or the people close to you behaved in ways where you felt abandoned, or you lived in an unstable environment.
The solution: Observe the shadow aspect of your Butterfly within and commit to reaching a level of mastery in what you do from day to day, whether as a parent or in your business or career.
Practice staying the course with at least some of the things in your life and business, and beware of your ego that wants to leave people and situations too quickly.
Power Archetype #3: The Armadillo
The armadillo is protective. If you possess this archetype, you may recognize the following:
- You are a wise and sensitive soul despite your protective shell.
- Although you are highly observant and can read people well, you prefer to be in the background rather than be the life of the party.
- You are very comfortable being alone. This allows you to be the one people seek for wise counsel.
- You don’t tend to get dragged into drama or chaos at the office or at home.
- You are not drawn by popularity, fame, or fortune, the external things of the world.
- You often spend a great deal of time with your inner journey.
- You may be enthralled by the science of the mind, the workings of the heart and emotion, or the spiritual aspects of your being, and are relentlessly curious about the inner journey and the unseen and intangible.
Just like the Armadillo in the wild, when you feel fear, you protect yourself by withdrawing from the world. This action eventually becomes your go-to power pattern.
This makes you become distant and stop connecting emotionally. You step back from meaningful conversations or important debates and decision making processes. You may even find that life begins to lose meaning. On a personal level, you say no when people invite you to gatherings or events, preferring to stay home.
Others perceive that you have stopped caring, and on some level, they may be right.
The need for isolation and the lack of connection in the Shadow Armadillo indicates a block that most likely began in their early years.
Young Armadillos are sensitive by nature, and if they experience a loud, aggressive, demanding, or controlling parent figure, teacher or community, they protect themselves by withdrawing.
Their deep wound is that others don’t see them for who they are, and rather than fight to be seen, they withdraw to not be seen.
The solution: Become aware that the resistance to visibility comes from your inner wound of not being seen for the sensitive, wise soul that you are.
Power Archetype #4: The Cockatoo
As highly social creatures, cockatoos love to connect with others:
- You care greatly for your family, your clients, and your extended tribe.
- People often tell you that you are the glue that holds the organization together because you take the time to make people a priority.
- People come to you first if they have a personal problem and you take pride in this.
- As a parent or lover, you take care of others and support them when they go through challenges.
- As a business owner or professional leading a team, people enjoy working with you and for you as they feel your care and know that you are approachable.
- You have mastered the art of effective communication that is inclusive and loving.
- You often share insights either one to one or in a group with ease.
- You may have developed the skill of a master storyteller and are often applauded for your ability to be either engaging, funny or insightful.
- People are drawn to your ability to connect with them
Because Cockatoos are highly social birds, they can become overly dependent on outside connection, affection, and affirmation. When you find that others are not quick to praise you or are heavy on constructive criticism, you often close your heart and make assumptions as to the character of that person, imagining what they think of you or how you will work together or not work together in the future.
The Shadow Cockatoo in you takes things personally you create versions of the truth that are most often not steeped in reality.
The need for constant affirmation and connection in the Cockatoo indicates a block that most likely began in their early years. Young Cockatoos who are abandoned or have experienced a withdrawal of love from a primary caregiver quickly develop a belief that they are somehow not worthy and that something is wrong with them.
So they try hard to make up for this belief by helping and supporting others – and they become very good at it. So good that others begin to notice their efforts, confide in them, and thank them for their support.
Giving and supporting becomes a way to receive love and support. Learning to connect with others feeds your need to be loved and is an effective bandage to cover up your anxiety of not being loveable.
But remember: No amount of external validation and love from a person can fill the original wound of feeling unloved and unworthy.
The solution: You must do the personal development work to rise above this deep-seated trauma to become the leader you are meant to be in the world.
For more information and to understand how to create a more positive impact and influence in the world while tending to your inner world and personal power, please visit and pick up a copy of my latest book, The Tao of Influence: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Leaders and Entrepreneurs.
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